Today we will introduce to you a girl from Albania who as she says, “is living the dream of her childhood.” This is Xhulia, 29, from the city of Shkodra.
Living the dream of her childhood
Today we will introduce to you a girl from Albania who as she says, “is living the dream of her childhood.” This is Xhulia, 29, from the city of Shkodra. Born and raised in a village near to the city, Xhulia says that it is not so easy to follow your dream in Albania, as she had to continue her studies for a branch that was not her first choice.
It is hard to follow your dream.
“I was born in the village to a relatively large but poor family, and in my early childhood my parents understood a special characteristic in me, creativity, organizational adeptness and passionate for pencil and paper. For years I have been feeding the television dream by watching foreign language programs (because the Satellite of Albanian channels did not reach our area) and directing the younger cousins to self-created competitions. When it came to studies, I had to choose Nursing, because Journalism studies would not give me a future in this country according to my parents. That’s how I decided to put my dream in the drawer and keep thinking maturely about my future.”
That is what Xhulia says as she is determined to open a new chapter in her life as a nurse, where during university studies, she details how much she had to work on extra after-school hours or seasonal work so she could pay for the next year of studies. And unfortunately, after completing her studies, Xhulia finds herself without a job in her profession, but working as a volunteer in an elderly house hoping that one day her nursing profession would give her the job she wanted. But even today she does not see a green light for this job, while her old dream, the television studio could touch on rare occasions when she represented the school or church’s youth group on a Tv program.
On the other hand, if you do not find it easy to follow your dream in Albania, Xhulia shows that even believing in Jesus as God and Savior is another challenge you must go through.
Jesus in my life turned the impossible into possible.
“I don’t know where to start explaining how I came to this interview and how my life changed in just a little while,” Xhulia says to us.
“Jesus was a lifelong childhood friend, but I never realized He wanted to live every day in my heart. If I remember a prayer, I have sent in front of the sky it is “God, help me get out of the village, because I’m going to do a lot for you” … and so it happened. She left the village to continue her studies in Shkodra.
It is 2020 when everything was transforming from a virus, especially this year and during this period Xhulia remembers the most beautiful time with Jesus.
“I accepted Jesus in my life in January 2020” and with these words and a deep breath, Xhulia describes us the filling with a clean and wonderful love she had from our Lord.
Although it is not the first time, we have met girls full of dreams and a passion for life, we are telling you why this story is special.
“The desire for television has never left my heart, furthermore, I fed that dream, maybe having a blind faith that one day I’ll be part of the media, and especially after Jesus became part of my daily life, I can tell you how I realized with wonderful signs, that God’s plan for me relates closely to what I later learned that is the gift from above, taking even prophecy on my life for this.“
Asked how it is possible for a girl from Albania to end up in Vision Heaven, with a smile Xhulia says that God is good, and that Vision Heaven came to her when she was in great need but did not believe such a chance.
“At that time, I just got married, and just three days after the wedding the pastor of our church, Koli Puka who is well known by the Vision family in Sweden and Norway, proposes me to work in Vision Heaven, describing with a few simple words the part of the work I was supposed to do there.”
It was not necessary for many details to say “Yes” to such a possibility that Xhulia calls a blessing.
Now a newly married girl has been added to Vision Heaven, without a personal experience on television, but this was made possible by the Vision Family, which is not the first time we have reached Albania and we never stop looking for people with a heart and passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
“I am privileged to serve God through Vison Heaven” says our Albanian girl, listing thanks and gratitude for Gawdat Mtrious, the TV Leader, who trusted this possibility for her and all the staff who helped her to get to work in a brief time by making it easier.
Xhulia has been part of the studios in Sweden and Norway to look near the job and get trained specifically for programs and to get to know the rest of the staff, but now she works from Albania, being a good possibility for every information from Balkan, knowing that Vision Heaven goes to the doors of all European states in English language.
So, together we believe that this is just the beginning of a beautiful road that God has for his children.