Leader of Vision Heaven, here photographed in Moldova taking part in prayer for all of the Ukrainian refugees, is doing everything he possibly can to assist as many among them as possible.
Jan Hanvold: – Ready to assist up to 1500 refugees.
The leader of Vision Heaven, Jan Hanvold, is among those who have traveled to Moldova, to be able to assist Ukrainian refugees who have crossed the border. It is estimated that the “Vision family”, through cooperation with local partners, will be able to help up to 1500 people.
–Our motto is that nobody can help everybody, but everybody can help somebody, Jan Hanvold said during one of Vision Heaven’s sister channel “Visjon Norges” broadcasts.
Ten percent among Ukrainians fleeing the country
He went on to explain how severe the situation is for all those who are fleeing the ongoing conflict taking place between Russia and Ukraine:
–It is estimated that around ten percent of the population of Ukraine has become refugees. The countries population is around 43 million, which means that 4.3 million have left. Most of these are crossing the borders into other European countries. Many are coming to Moldova, Hanvold said.
The number of Ukrainian refugees is comparable to the population of Norway (5.5 million), where the “Vision” channels are mainly based, as well as Jan Hanvold’s home country.
All thanks to the “Vision family”
The leader is convinced that it would not have been possible to help any of the refugees with their acute needs if it wasn’t for the faithful givers of the “Vision” channels.
–People are lacking necessities such as food and shelter. I also hope that the channel’s audience will join us in keeping the people of Ukraine in their prayers, he also said during the broadcast.
Using a local partner
It is with the help of the “Vision” channel’s long-time partnership with pastor Victor Kulyak in Moldova, that Jan and the rest of the dedicated local team can help so many people. Earlier this month, “Visjon Norge” organized a fundraising campaign within 24 hours of the mass-scale invasion of Ukraine on the 24th of February. All of the channel’s scheduled broadcasts were adjusted accordingly. All of the funds raised would go directly to Pastor Kulyak, who would in turn use the resources to house as many refugees as possible. It is now estimated that the number of refugees that are receiving some sort of assistance will
grow towards 1500 people. He has previously been in the lead of building the country’s first private elderly home. It is with these facilities that he can offer so many refugees housing.